

Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.

L-GLUTAMINE is a critical amino acid for all aspects of health and fitness.  Because Glutamine is comprising the majority of the amino acid content within the skeletal muscle tissue it is the most abundant free form amino acid in the body.  However, as it is also produced in the body, L-GLUTAMINE is termed as non-essential, meaning we must get it in our diet in addition to fact that our bodies do produce it.  Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein.  Whatever the form of exercise you choose be it Cross Fit, Martial Arts or Body Building, building and repairing muscle tissue is critically dependent upon Amino Acids.  In all exercise and recovery, repairing the body is the main goal and Route 66 Amino Acids are fundamental to repair and to eliminate muscle soreness.  Route 66 L-GLUTAMINE is clinically proven to both protect your muscles against the catabolic effects of dieting as well as provide overall cell regeneration and volumization.


Weight 30 oz
Dimensions 3.75 × 6 × 6 in


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